(to one's own self)
It is just us or is this the "new-normal" situation worse than being in proper lockdown? I mean don’t get us wrong we love the fact that we can see our family and friends now (still following the SOP’s ofcourse) but now that things are in, what feels like, this in-between stage, we’re facing a lot of anxiety still. Anxiety about “wasting” a year, about not achieving career/academic/travel goals and disappointed in the general state of the world.
The world had become such a race that now even when things have come to a halt, we really REALLY don’t know how to stop and if, somehow, we do stop for a split-second, the guilt comes barging in. The guilt, OH THE GUILT!
In these unprecedented times, it’s so so important to take care of yourself, not just physically but mentally and spiritually too. Essentially, it’s not that difficult to do and it really only requires very little money, time and/or effort.

As important as it is to make your surroundings a comfortable and safe space for you, it’s just as important to have mental peace so all that time you spend cooped up in your head (overthinking about the future and all that it may hold for you) is a comfortable experience too. You get us, sis?
So, here’s a list of simple things you can do make your day (and your heart) feel a little bit better;
Eat something healthy
Yes, something, anything! It could be a big juicy apple or a big glass of water early in the morning, anything that makes you feel like you did your body good. This is such a simple step that you can easily go the extra mile! Having a big ol’ glass of water? Squeeze a lemon in it! Thinking about having a healthy snack? Why not turn it into a healthy meal?
Eat something you love
Now we know we may sound a bit contradicting here but if you’re on a diet, calorie counting or are avoiding a particular food that makes you breakout but you’re still craving it like crazy, TAKE A BREAK! You deserve it. Eat that slice of pizza, cherish it and prize yourself upon all the hard work you done this far. Self improvement is a process not an uphill climb!
Be kind to your reflection
We know giving yourself a full blown pep-talk in front of the mirror may not be your thing (if it is, you do you boo!) but it’s not so hard to show the gal you see in the mirror some well deservin’ love! A simple smile, a wink, or a sassy little dance move can suffice. She ain’t so hard to please.

Spend some quality time (with yourself!)
Read a good book, make yourself a nice cup of tea, get a good puzzle going, write, paint, or sing in the shower! There are so many possibilities! Don’t spend all your time on Netflix or on your phone, give your mind and body something new to mingle with. Go old school, learn a new card trick! Think about all the great things you can do!
Naps are good
Don’t save up all your naps for the time you’re procrastinating but use some of em’ to treat yourself! Take those 15 minutes that snooze button allows you in the morning, take a quick nap after a draining zoom meeting/class and instead of pressing the next episode button press the power button and call it in early once in a while. Sleep is a divine, divine gift, cherish it!
Express what you feel
If you live with someone, great! Otherwise call people you love and tell them you love them. I know it’s weird to say to family/parents but once you overcome the awkwardness it’s worth it.
On the other hand, if someone has said or done something in the past that has hurt you and it’s been weighing in the back of your mind for a while, give that person a call too. Have that awkward conversation, trust us, whichever way the conversation goes you’ll feel wayy better about having things out in the open. You can do it!
Treat all the senses
Don’t ignore your little nose! Burn that scented candle that’s gathering dust on your shelf, wear your favorite perfume to bed, heck! Spray it on your bed sheets too!
Touch is very important too, and lately we’ve been deprived of it too much. So, to compensate for all the hugs you’ve missed out on, put on some nice soft comforters and sheets on your bed, wear fluffy sleepwear and silk nightgowns because why not?
Have a spa day, give yourself a facial, and a bonus mani-pedi. Line up your skincare and take your time once in a while.

We know that all of these may seem like a lot but hey, do as little or as many of the things listed to make yourself feel good. Self love really doesn’t have to be so hard.